Singing Guide: Phil Collins

Singing Guide: Phil Collins

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learn Singing Like Phil Collins

If you love Phil Collins and want to sing like him, you must learn to develop and control your voice. Phil is known for his unique voice, which is powerful, soulful, and emotional.

  • Warm up

    Before singing, it is essential to warm up your voice. Singing can be strenuous on your voice, so it’s important to take care of your vocal cords. At Singing Carrots, you can find multiple warm-up exercises like the Humming Exercise and the Sustain Vocal Exercise. These exercises can help you develop and extend your vocal range while also increasing your vocal stamina.

  • Breath control

    If you want to sing like Phil Collins, breathing control is a key part of that. At Singing Carrots, we have a Breath support article that can help you with different techniques to control your breath while you sing those long and powerful notes.

  • Register Control and Mixing Voice

    During a song, people usually change registers in their voices. It’s essential to control and mix them correctly. The Singing Carrots article on Voice Registers & Vocal Break, explains the different registers, how to identify them, and how to mix them correctly, which is crucial to sing like Phil Collins.

    On Singing Carrots, you can also find warm-up exercises to help you with mixed voice, such as Mixed Voice Warm-up.

  • Articulation

    Phil Collins has very particular articulation. To mimic him, it’s essential to learn the art of articulation. The Articulation article at Singing Carrots provides tips and exercises to help you improve your articulation and make sure that every word you sing is crystal clear.

    Many Singing Carrots vocal exercises can help you with articulation. For instance, Finger Bite Exercise is an exercise that helps develop your tongue coordination and mouth muscles to produce a clear pronunciation.

  • Song Choice, Study and Performance

    Phil Collins’ voice is unique, and his songs require a skillful singer for interpretive skills. At Singing Carrots, we offer excellent resources for Phil Collins songs. Our Song Search will help you find Phil Collins songs that match your vocal range and genre preference. Additionally, our Vocal Pitch Monitor can assist you in monitoring the right pitch.

    Do some research about Phil's style to identify his vocal techniques, tones and emphasis. Our Educational Singing Course can give you extra vocal training, music theory, and interpretations of Phil Collins' repertoire. Use what you learned to refine your skills and techniques.

To sum up, with the mentioned Singing Carrots tips and exercises, combined with regular practice, you will be well on your way to sing like Phil Collins, or even better!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.